4 Tips to Improve the Feeding Experience of Your Baby

Most mothers don’t know the exact way to feed their babies as they don’t have experience. Due to this, not only are their babies disturbed, but they also become tired of feeding.

That’s why they should learn the ways to improve the feeding experience. This will make both mothers and babies comfortable. You can follow the feeding tips mentioned below for this purpose:

1.      Feed only Breastmilk or Formula

Newborn babies need only breastmilk for their ideal growth. However, if there are complications in breastfeeding, you can go with formula. But make sure to have a physician consultation. The formula is artificial milk made only for babies. Although it has all the nutrients similar to that of breastmilk, it should not be your priority.

The digestive system of babies is only able to digest breast milk. Even formula is not easily digested. When you feed your baby with formula, it can produce gas and bowled movements in his belly. At the same time, you have to wait for six months to feed your baby with water and other juices.

2.      Improve Breastfeeding Position

As babies need frequent feeding, mothers can get tired. So, they should find a comfortable position for breastfeeding. You can’t follow others for a comfortable position; you have to find the one that works for you. Moreover, if you are still struggling to find a comfortable breastfeeding position, you can follow the tips given below:

  • Use pillows to support you.
  • Try different positions, such as cradle hold, crossover hold, and laid-back position.
  • Alternate your breasts each time you feed your baby.
  • Keep your baby comfortable during every feeding session.

Several consultants, such as a virtual NICU breastfeeding consultant, are guiding you to find the right and comfortable breastfeeding position for you.

3.      Feed Your Baby Frequently

You have to feed your baby after every one hour. You don’t have to wait for their crying. As they are in the fast-growth stage, they require a high quantity of nutrients. You should know their hunger signs so you can feed them earlier than their requirement. Every baby shows different signs, but here are some of the most commonly noticed ones:

  • When babies open their mouths
  • Some babies suck their fingers or thumbs to show that they are hungry.
  • When babies are more hungry, they stretch their bodies and increase their physical movements.

When you don’t feed them on time, they start crying and become very difficult to calm.

4.      Check the Diapers Frequently

In the first six months, babies don’t have a stable digestive system. You can’t easily judge when you need to change their diapers. That’s why you should check their diapers frequently. However, you don’t have to worry about this. In the first days, you will need only two to three diapers a day, depending upon the health of your baby.

However, as the days pass, they will start more frequent stooling and wetting of diapers, so on average, you may need up to six diapers a day. But make sure they wear a clean diaper. Otherwise, they will become uncomfortable and get rashes.